If you think all generic pharmaceutical distributors are alike, it’s time to think again. As an independently owned wholesaler, Ameridrugs provides the benefit of transparency, flexibility and personalized customer service

Many reasons to love us

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Generic, Branded and OTCs

Add high quality medications to your portfolio at the lowest wholesale prices.

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More Than 3000 Products 

Ameridrugs offers multiple Solutions and sizes to ensure your business makes the most and is always stocked with options over 3000 pharmaceuticals products to choose from.


Flexible Order Options

Ameridrugs offers multiple ordering options so that your pharmacy can order when and how it is most convenient.

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Industry Experts

Ameridrugs has been in the business since 2017 and our expert staff has acumen over the market research. We foster continual improvement while developing unique solutions that help solve our customers' and suppliers' problems.



Ameridrugs offers multiple Solutions and sizes to ensure your business makes the most and is always stocked with options over 3000 pharmaceuticals products to choose from

drug warehouse